The goal of graduate education at Art Center

The goal of graduate education at Art Center is to develop students who question the boundaries and consequences of their disciplines in addition to preparing for their professional careers. This results in a greater emphasis on critical thinking, theory and research as well as a deep awareness of the place and function of art and design in the world today. The combination of discipline-based professionalism and critical investigation produces entrepreneurial and creative leaders who will redefine the landscape of art and design in the 21st century.

Art Center 研究所的目標除為未來職業做準備之外,並啟發對學科的界限及未來表示懷疑的學生。因此我們著重關鍵性思考、理論和深入體認研究當今藝術及設計的地位和功能。綜合基本專業學科及關鍵性研究培養出能為21世紀藝術及設計遠景下定義的創意及企業化的領導者。



傳播符號學理論第三章 傳播、意義與符號

傳播符號學理論第五章 意義
